Truth for me !

It is always said that life is meant to be lived. Then why do we feel lost? Why do we feel incomplete despite accumulating everything? Sometimes the things that we collect throughout our lives crushes us. We keep piling things over and over again for momentarily pleasure. As soon as the moment vanishes, pleasure also vanishes. That’s why pleasure is said to be a minimal thing because it disappears too more quickly, dumping us to the same place all over again. But the most unfortunate thing is that despite knowing this limitation somewhere, we are also afraid to cross this zone and see what’s next. It does not matter how much we say that we are fearless, but somewhere we are very timid in nature. We surround ourselves with so many accessories that there is no way to check further possibilities. We feel afraid to drop this pleasure and see beyond it. We silence our own longing and start running a race we are unaware of if it means anything to us. And whole life just passes away under the burden of pleasure, guilt, and fear. That is why Truth is said to be the greatest virtue, and being truthful is the most incredible courage. It’s not the correctness of what we speak, but the integrity of the truthfulness we maintain with our own being those matters. Perhaps if we get the courage to maintain this relationship of honesty with our own nature, we could feel this life and life would unfold automatically, revealing its beauty and secrets.

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